Saturday, April 7, 2012

Carpe Diem

I love my younger cousins. They're young, naive, imaginative and fantastic and honestly the light of my world some days.

I miss feeling. I miss holding hands and hugging and teasing shoves and being able to touch another person without asking permission or worrying about infringing on set barriers

I love my Aunt next door. She truly cares for my brother and I and, I think, tries to understand us as we are. A Theatrical girl and a shy, quiet boy who loves adventures.

I miss his voice. The catty, dark baritone that reminds me daily that even though I'm an emotional wreck with no sense of fashion, I'm his mess. And he's glad to have me.

I love my Aunt with the two sons. She's lovely and sarcastic and musical and awesome and creative and how I hope to be like in the future. Y'know, only cooler.

I miss my room. My sanctuary, my workspace, mine. I miss my pile of blankets and pillow and the rumble of my fan and the sounds of my younger brother kicking the wall in his sleep.

I love my Grandparents. They both treat my brother and I with love and respect (...yes even when they called me a liberal that one time) and only want whats best for us.

I miss my friends. I miss her reminding me to think positive thoughts about myself and my darling genius telling me how beautiful I am when I stumble into class in sweats and a t-shirt. I miss his cynicism and his sweetness and her shy insight. I miss laughter early in the morning and late into the night. I miss being surrounded by people, never truly on my own.

I love it here. I have so many memories, good and bad, attached to everything in this house I couldn't bear to miss making a few more. I guess I'm just a sucker, but I assume that's what I'm known for. Right?

         My time here has come to an end, but I'll be back soon enough.

And wanna know something? I can't wait to come back.

        Until we meet again!
                  Clara B

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