Monday, March 12, 2012

Confessions of an Artless Dodger

It's that time of year again folks! No, I'm not talking about the rain.
     Here in my High School we hold a "Senior Assassination" every year as a sort of sport. Most of the seniors participate because A its fun and B you can win cash monies. Trust no one, and always be armed with a pocket nerf gun for protection because you never know when you'll have the team mole on your tail.

            Here's a lowdown of how this all works!
The participating seniors all pull a name of another participating senior who they have to try and hit with a nerf dart before they themselves get shot. You get shot? You lose and give up your target name so whoever shot you can go on and whoever it was you were supposed to shoot. Last person standing wins.

  • You can't shoot or be shot on school grounds, at school sanctioned events, or at work
  • Nerf weapons only 
  • no going into someone's house unless they invite you in
Other then that? Anything goes. And not that I would know it, but paying off Juniors for information works better than you'd think. Assuming, that is, you know they won't tip off whoever your having them dodge. Yes dodge. We've been watching Oliver Twist in History as of late. Well the blood bath has begun, I'll update you if anyone I know gets shot!
           May the odds be ever in your favor!

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