Monday, March 5, 2012

Captain America's Undergarments

Holy hell guys....107 views and I have done NOTHING. 

 Welp, since you came I here I guess I might as well post. Right? Well alright, I will. 

Suits. I really, really love suits. Nothing suits me quite like a suit...well...okay a man in a suit is what suits me. Some girls (or guys, whatever) like to see washboard abs or maybe a real chiseled physique?  Not me man. You give me a guy in a suit and I'll ogle him till the end of time...or until he files a restraining order. Whichever comes first .

          You need some help there Mr.Radcliffe? ....No? ...alright. 
Right. So I guess I don't need men in suits so much as I need them to not look like they're offering themselves up to their fellow prisoners    trash.  Low rise jeans are one thing, but if your jeans are sagging around your stupid ankles and showing your My Little Pony boxers for the world to see, then I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. I mean when have you ever heard of women showing their underwear in an attempt to be sexy? 

Well anyways back to men! I don't know about you, 107 viewers that supposedly looked at this for some reason...but I am surrounded by buts. All of the butts. All of them. And not the sweet plush kind, the actual gross kind...with weird phrases on the boxers. I don't care what you think Nick, Mr.Woody will NEVER be funny. Also, Spencer you've been waving the exact same boxers in my face since October. Tch, slob. 

 My personal bias against all life on Earth aside, doesn't everyone find that gross it just me? 

Whatevs. I'm gonna try and post Daily now so EXPECT MORE OF THIS TRASH TOMMOROW LOSAHS 

       All my love, 

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