Before I begin today's rant on stupidity I'd like to direct your attention to this post by the group OneMillionMoms. A conservative group of, you'll never guess, actual mothers of actual presumably living children.
It's right here. Click it before reading on if you can stand it.
you read it yet? Awesome. For your valor, have something cute.
Holy Clambake! Next thing you know they'll claim to be smarter then the average bear...
Right so now that we've gone over that, lets talk about stuff like why that link up there is silly.
Okay first, allow me to draw your attention to this paragraph.
Children desire to be just like superheroes. Children mimic superhero actions and even dress up in costumes to resemble these characters as much as possible. Can you imagine little boys saying, "I want a boyfriend or husband like X-Men?"
So what if they do? As a parent and, most importantly, a mother who cares about her child shouldn't you encourage them to be individuals or something? So what if they say they want a boyfriend like an X-man? If they take that example, maybe they took others things too! Like standing up for what's right and that good triumphs in the end! Doesn't your book teach too? That you need to do whats right and stand up for what you believe in?
Yeah, I remember. Larry and Bob told me to STAND UP
And with that I bring you this...
These companies are heavily influencing our youth by using children's superheroes to desensitize and brainwash them in thinking that a gay lifestyle choice is normal and desirable. As Christians, we know that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:26-27).
.....So I'm to go out on a limb here and assume you don't listen to Sean Hannity in your car. Because, of course, you don't want the Media brainwashing your- oh...wait.
You know that Veggietales allusion I made about...a paragraph ago? I'm sure you mother's who don't want to brainwash your kids have never seen them, so let me tell you about 'em.
Presented without commentary
This series of Biblical themed DVD's is based around...a...troupe of vegetable actors who are in a union together? I don't know but the principle cast is usually the same each episode. Each one begins with Bob and Larry (Tomato and Cucumber respectively, both pictured above) answering a letter from a fan of the show and the episode is themed around the letter. Every single one ends with a bible verse and a simple reminder.
"God made you special, and he loves you very much."
Now I don't know, but I didn't hear any specific qualifiers for who God made special. They just say they made you special. You. Your son or daughter or whatever is special in the eyes of God and...from that are implying that this statement is only true if your kid is by the book.
This book, in case you've just joined us
But who am I to say One Million moms are wrong? I mean God never said-
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God" 1 John 4:7
anything about-
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins 1 Peter 4:8
Wait...he just said love? What do you mean he didn't SPECIFY THE TYPE?! Oh well at least that only happens once in the-
Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers up all wrongs Proverbs 10:12
Now wait just a Goddamn minute here. Hatred? No no, Bible I don't think you have that right. Hatred stir up discord? Well at least I can count on good old Christian love and kindness too-
...oh right
Leave it up to these lame-o's to ruin everyone elses good time. Yeeah. Get with it Westboro. The bibles says that God loves all of us. Are...are you saying God is a liar? God wouldn't lie to us! He told us not to right in them commandments of his.
Now back to that article
Unfortunately, children are now being exposed to homosexuality at an early age. Comic books would be one of the last places a parent would expect their child to be confronted with homosexual topics that are too complicated for them to understand. Children do not know what straight, homosexual, or coming out of the closet even means, but DC Comics and Marvel are using superheroes to confuse them on this topic to raise questions and awareness of an alternative lifestyle choice. These companies are prompting a premature discussion on sexual orientation.
FOR THE LOVE OF...wait....
"Mom. Where do babies come from?"
"Dad, the weirdest thing happened during gym class today"
Oh no. Kids. Learning about the world around them. BLASPHEMOUS.
Sound ridiculous? Well so is that statement. Here, let me help you concerned mothers explain it to your curious comic reading sons and daughters.
"Love is easy to understand [preferred cute nickname here]! You're father and I love each other, and Northstar and Kyle love each other too! Just like mommy and daddy do!"
See? Was that so hard?
If you said "No" you were right! Now, go tell your little comic fans exactly what I just did. Go on, I can wait.
You did it? Great. Here, have something adorable in return
I'm laughing, because I know you were expecting something else.
WELL. Now that that's all sorted, let's agree to part as friends, yes?
I mean no harm, One Million Moms. I pointing out a very simple solution to your "problem" with Marvel and DC. Which isn't a problem at all really. But call it what you will, every disease has a cure. Even intolerance.
Lovingly Yours,
Clara B.